Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here's the Original Quote

Chick-Fil-A CEO Cathy was interviewed by the Baptist Press for their Christian magazine.  Here's what he said:

Cathy told The Baptist Press that, “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit,” Cathy said. “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

Supporters of gay marriage criticized Cathy for his comments saying they were “bigoted and hateful.”

I somehow don't see the bigoted hatefulness in that statement.  I am not wrong to believe that I should stay married to the man I vowed "forsaking all others" and "until death do us part".  If someone wants to do something else, why are they allowed to say I am wrong and I can't say that they are?  There certainly is a lot of hate on one side of this argument  - and it isn't on my side.

I think this may go to a deeper level than "tolerance".  This may fall under the category of conviction.  People who know they have something to hide or believe they have done something shameful tend to get defensive and aggressive when someone shows them a better or more honest way. 

Morality cannot be legislated no matter how hard our government tries.  I've also noticed that some organizations demand that their employees do service work outside work hours or may allow them to do it on company time.  Angela's school did this in New Hampshire.  All well and good - except for the heart.  Charity begins in the heart.  So does morality.  Only Jesus can change a heart so these things flow outward instead of being forced upon one.

And that is the state of the nation today. 

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