Saturday, May 4, 2019

Exciting Times

Everyday I listen to what's happening in the world and look up, because my redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28)

Lately archaeological finds are catching my interest. Things that have been hidden - not just for centuries, but for millenia - are coming to light.

For so long, the tensions in the Middle East and Russia have prevented people from doing a proper search for Noah's Ark. I remember a couple of documentaries in the 1970's and 80's about possible finds, how the ark had split in half and partly slid down the mountain.

I even remember on of the grocery store junk papers proudly displaying the headline "Noah's Diaries Found". Seriously?! It's been 4000 years of hard weather on a mountain top. Unless it was enscribed on stone tablets like the Ten Commandments, it wouldn't have made it this long. Even then, stone crumbles after so long of enduring heat and cold.

Les found a very interesting video on Youtube and I just watched it. It shows a deep scan of a formation somewhere in the "mountains of Ararat". The nearest village is called The Village of the Eight. The scan shows cavities in the formation which are empty or mud-filled like rooms and the ship's ribs are easily picked out.

Is it Noah's Ark? A ship laid out on top of a mountain nowhere near any water? You decide:

May God bless us all.
