Tuesday, August 13, 2024

My Empty Heart

 My Empty Heart


Ephesians 3:16-17 I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. NIV

 When I taught in a Christian school, I often wore a heart-shaped locket. No pictures adorned its interior.

A second-grade girl noticed this jewelry and asked what was in the heart. I let her open it so she could see.

When she looked inside, she gave me a somber look and, with the wisdom that comes from young children, said, “It’s not good to have an empty heart.”

Later, I noticed she was concentrating on a project at her desk.

Between classes, my young student brought me a tiny paper heart with the name of Jesus written on it. She gave it to me as a gift so my heart wouldn’t be empty anymore.

It’s been many years, but I haven’t forgotten her words. “It’s not good to have an empty heart.”

How is your heart? Empty or full of Jesus?

Love Your Enemies

 Love Your Enemies

(A true story)


Luke 6:27 “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. 28 Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. (NLT)

“How many times do I have to forgive someone before I can punch them in the nose?”

My brother John and I carpooled to the next town for work. I taught in a Christian school and he worked in a factory as IT and repairer of communication systems. Most of the time, the ride to and from work was pleasant and we exchanged reports of daily experiences. Not this day!

“What happened?” I asked. This was not like John and I wanted to know what had gone so terribly wrong.

John explained that over the course of months, the lady in charge of the parts department, whom he had to deal with on a daily basis, was making up evil rumors about him. People at work began looking at him as if these fictions were true.

“She broke her arms a few weeks ago, and it was wonderful not having to face her every day. Well, she’s back and it’s started up all over again.”

I thought a minute and was inspired with a solution.

“We’re going to try doing it Jesus’ way,” I said. “Tonight I’ll bake a batch of cookies. I’ll put some on a plate with a bow on top. You take it to her tomorrow and say, ‘It’s good to see you back again.’”

I baked up the cookies and decorated a plate as nicely as I could.

I had to go through the school day wondering how my brother was faring with the woman in Parts. I couldn’t wait to hear his story.

No sooner had I settled myself in the car, than he told me what happened.

“I took her the cookies and told her it was good to see her back at work – just like you said. She was nice to me all day. If I needed a part, she gave it to me ahead of the other people in line.” His grin and good humor were amazing proof of the reward for following Jesus’ recommendations.

A plate of cookies may not always be the right answer, but what can you do to bless your enemies?

-The End-